A full tuition refund will be granted to any student dropping a course on or before the published deadline. In order to qualify for a full refund, students must notify the Registrar and the Business Office in writing by the appropriate date. After this deadline, students may withdraw from a course but will not receive a refund. Fees are not refundable.
Deferred Payment Plans
Students who have not previously defaulted on a deferred payment plan are eligible to arrange for such a plan to enable them to defer a portion of their tuition payments. A minimum of 25 percent or more of the total due is payable at registration. The balance payable in three monthly installments.
Overdue Balance Penalties
If full payment has not been received before the given deadline for each semester, a penalty will be assessed. Students will not be permitted to re-register or graduate until full payment is received. The penalty for failure to pay in full by the semester deadline is based on the amount of the unpaid balance.
LESS THAN $100___________$10
$101 to $200__________$15
$201 to $300___________$20
$301 to $400__________$25
$401 to $500___________$30
$501 and up____________$35
Once an overdue balance penalty is assessed, deferred payment plan privileges are automatically suspended. Students desiring to register for further classes will be required to pay in full at registration.

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