Esther Bible College & Theological Seminary of Malabar Graduation
Despite the difficulties that we face in 2020 with the Coronavirus Pandemic, our seminary was fortunate to be able have our commencement ceremony as planned.

Commencement of 2020
In January of 2020 Esther Theological Seminary of Malabar celebrated its’ first and only commencement ceremony. The entire student body consisted of fourteen students enrolled, attending classes at night. They were adults that are employed full time or retired but wanted to expand their knowledge of the bible and ministry. Six students completed the requirements for graduation and were awarded Certificates in Christian Ministry which was the only program that was being offered at the time. The Valedictorian maintained a GPA of 4.0 throughout the course of the program and received special acknowledgement at the graduation celebration.
It is the goal of the Administration of Esther theological Seminary of Malabar to improve the graduation rate in the upcoming years by increasing our program offerings.
The charts below are a representation of our evaluation of the success of our program and is a benchmark for future evaluations as our programs expand and we experience exponential growth.

White 17%
African American 83%
Asian 0%
Hispanic 0%
Native Americans 0%
Employment and Transfer
Though not employed in the field of study, 100% of the graduates hold positions in their respective churches and are using their knowledge to be servants of the Lord. All of our graduates are continuing their education with Esther Theological Seminary and have enrolled in our new bachelor programs which makes our retention rate 100%.

Gender of Graduates